Test & Technical Supports

After your application is published, we ensure that your project is up-to-date and strong with continuous testing and technical support-maintenance processes.


What is the testing phase, and why is it necessary?
We subject our web-mobile applications to the testing phase before deploying them to the mobile market and server to prevent potential errors and achieve optimum performance. Application tests are not limited to the pre-installation phase; they are comprehensive and ongoing processes. The pre-installation test phase conducted before the product is released is limited to the functional aspect of the application. However, afterward, applications require continuous "Technical Support and Maintenance".

What is done in the pre-installation test phase?
Firstly, we perform functional tests with virtual devices, followed by physical IOS and Android devices, and then deploy the product to the market.

What happens after this stage?
After this stage, the product is live, but it needs to be continuously monitored, updated, and secured with technical support.

Technical Support and Maintenance

Regular security updates and system monitoring are required for the application infrastructure on the server. Database security, API service security, and their backups are crucial steps that need to start immediately after the release of an application in a continuously visited application. An outdated application not consistently monitored by a professional team will inevitably lose its data if it is attacked. Without continuous maintenance, your application's performance will decline, and it may not respond to many users. If a professional team does not back up the system, your data will be erased in case of a malfunction. Hosting service providers do not update, back up, or take additional precautions for the security of your application on the server. Mobile markets do not warn you to update your application. Especially with new devices, new operating system versions, memory, heating, network connection, and new infrastructures, many issues can arise. Ratings given by other users are crucial for users to choose an application. Unmaintained, crashing, slow-performing, poorly supported, or unsupported mobile applications are not preferred by users, and their ratings rapidly decline. "Monthly technical support and maintenance" eliminate possible errors and performance issues regularly. It optimizes the user experience and application performance. With our experienced team, we ensure the sustainability of your application with monthly support immediately after its release.

What is the content of Technical Support and what does it cover?

1- Keeping data in a secure environment in the infrastructure and making security observations and backups (Daily, weekly, and monthly)
  • Database security log: This section includes monitoring the visitor's circulation areas, tracking unusual requests, and demands, monitoring attack bots, scanning for malicious requests, or other attacker-intentioned security vulnerabilities. Database security is protected with updates if necessary.
  • API service log: We keep the system securely in an external area (our own servers) by moving it encrypted daily. Daily, weekly, and monthly backups are continuously taken and stored.
  • Backup: We keep the system securely in an external area (our own servers) by moving it encrypted daily. Daily, weekly, and monthly backups are continuously taken and stored.
2- APP Updates

Updating the application with new versions and keeping up with the requirements of the era with new features in mobile stores.

What are the factors determining the cost?

The data stored with backups in applications can reach very large sizes. Only the log table in the database can reach sizes of 2-3 GB. In compressed form, with files and other data, 4-5 GB of daily backup is taken. This means 150 GB of data per month, with an additional 5 GB every 7 days. Of course, the salary of the working professional team will also be added to this cost.

What is the cost of technical support?

The cost of technical support is determined based on the project size and support areas.